Listed below are some of my projects that I have worked on in the previous years and released online.
A command-line vaktija (Islamic prayer timetable) implemented in C for Linux and macOS. Uses data provided by, so it is specific to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Easily integrated in scripts.
An abandoned porting project of Whitaker’s WORDS - a Latin dictionary/lexical analysis tool - to a more modern Kotlin version. Still has the absolutely basic functionality, but I lost interest in it.
Written in Python as a script to be used for Lavinija. Takes all the original WORDS data and converts it into JSON format for easier integration with modern libraries.
Rudimentary CSV parser written in ANSI C inspired by jsmn’s approach to JSON data. Supports RFC 4180 based CSV and with additional potential customisations.
An implementation of the Gale-Shapley algorithm provided as a Python package. It was originally written for a Mathematical introduction to computer science class at PMF Tuzla so that I and my classmates could visualize the algorithm and analyse it in an easier manner. It can, however, serve as a solid backend for any project needing it.
A Spigot plugin written in Java for a private Minecraft server. Adds a player lives mechanic inspired by games like Super Mario, with support for YAML and SQL based data storage. Unmaintained.
A Pixelmon/Sponge plugin written in Java for a private Minecraft server in collaboration with another developer. Implements a free-for-all zone in which players may lose their Pokemon if they lose a battle.